Sponsorship Details Sponsorship Price

Conference Handouts


The official Conference handouts feature notes and slides from each speaker and session. Handouts are distributed to attendees online, through the mobile app, and on a USB. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to place your logo and promotional material on the most widely distributed and viewed piece of collateral onsite and after the Conference ends.

Sponsorship benefits:

✔   Logo on password protected handouts website

✔   Logo on handouts mobile app tab

✔   Logo on USB (all attendees receive)

✔   Special recognition in pre-show handout download email to attendees

✔  Opportunity to provide white paper to appear on USB/website respectively.


Mailing List Rental

One-time rental of OR Manager Conference Pre-Registered attendee mailing list. List is only sent to a third- party mail shop. All material must be approved by OR Manager Conference show management.


Mobile App

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The OR Manager Conference saw a 40% uptick in downloads and usage in 2015 and we continued the trend in 2016, increasing downloads by an additional 30%. The Conference Mobile App contains features such as the Build Your Dream OR Contest, Exhibit Hall Floor Plan, Conference

Program, and other pertinent information pertaining to the Conference.

Sponsorship benefits:

✔   Logo/company name anywhere app promoted

✔   Exclusive ads within app

✔   Company information page within app

✔ Additional 50 point code within app for Build Your Dream OR Contest

✔ Branding on Mobile App/Information Desk located near Registration

✔   Signage promoting app


Mobile App Alert

Connect directly with attendees at the OR Manager Conference by sending them a mobile app alert to drive traffic to your booth or website.

—$350 pre/post conference | $500 onsite

Poster Session & e-Poster Gallery


At the back right corner of the Exhibit Hall is the OR Manager Conference Poster Gallery, a high traffic feature area where attendees spend time to meet with poster presenters and earn additional CEs through the OR Manager Conference eGallery. Sponsorship of the OR Manager Conference Poster Session includes company branding on all marketing material as well as the eGallery that remains open for an entire year after the conference.

Sponsorship benefits:

✔   Company name/logo on poster submission site

✔   Company name/logo on e-poster gallery

✔   White paper or video on e-poster gallery

✔ Signage around poster gallery onsite and e-gallery stations where attendees may acquire their CE certificate

✔   Company name/logo anywhere poster gallery and e-gallery promoted


Pre or Post Show eBlast

Limited Opportunities Available

Reach the inbox of every OR Manager Conference attendee before the Conference to invite them to your booth, introduce them to your brand or follow up after the Conference to thank them for visiting and keep your company at the top of their minds.


Product Spotlight Listing

Give OR Manager Conference attendees a taste of what they will experience on the exhibit floor by highlighting your product or service with a Product Spotlight listing. You’ll receive full contact details of any recipient that clicks on your listing, enabling you to collect qualified leads and set appointments before going onsite!


The Pulse Banner Ad

The Pulse is the OR Manager Conference’s weekly eNewsletter. As the Conference draws more near, be a part of the eNewsletter that is sent to the full OR Manager database. An affordable and efficient way to increase brand awareness leading up to the Conference. Availability is limited.



Help attendees stay connected during the OR Manager Conference! The Wi-Fi sponsorship includes company logo on all Wi-Fi promotional material as well as a splash page of the sponsors’ choice, which will be viewed by all who access the Wi-Fi services.


Sponsorship benefits:

✔   Company name can be set as password

✔  Welcome/Splash page of sponsor’s choosing

✔   Logo/company name everywhere Wi-Fi promoted

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